Our Friends on Wooster Square

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"Friends" has been honored with medals and awards:

"International Film and TV Festival of N.Y." Best Religious Program: "Our Friends on Wooster Square"Best Original Music: "Makin' Fun of Others Isn't Fun At All"

American Legion Golden Mike Award: Best Local TV Program in the Interest of Children "Friends - The Mustard Seed"


  • Grace Markay Marchesani
  • Arrangements and Synthesizers by Ralph DeLucia
  • ©P Good Shepherd Records
  • Available on CD and Cassette

Each one of us is God's "special child" and Grace is continuously reminded of that through the work she does with children.

The video series - "Our Friends on Wooster Square" with Grace Markay and Friends has a CD of music that children will love. This CD is a powerful and effective tool to teach children self-esteem, values and positive behavior. Order now!

Side 1

1. Friends Theme

2. The Mustard Seed

3. I'm Special

4. Our Father
5. Share Train
Side 2
1. Let the Children Play*
2. Like a Snowflake
3. Friends are Better Than Things**
4. You're A Red Red Rose to Me
5. It Always Pays to Be Honest
4. Children's Finale/Friends Theme
* Lyrics Teresa Dempsey
**Concept Janet Araco